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48" (122cm) Cyl Poly 24SR Swp/Scr Brush 1033375
Polypropylene Cylindrical Sweep/Scrub – single row brushes have good sweeping performance indoors or out, including damp and high–humidity areas with good dust control. Not recommended for high–temperature applications. TennantTrue® brushes are uniquely designed for Tennant & Nobles machines. Parts are machine specific. Please check your machine model and serial number before ordering.
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1033375 Specifications
Size: 48 x 12 in dia
Brush Design: Cyl. Sweep/Scrub-single row
Material: Polypropylene
Color: Black
Category: Brushes
Family: Consumables
1033375 Fitment
M30 Ride-On Sweeper-Scrubber