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Filtering Out the Facts on Silica Dust
Posted in Health & Safety, 
Reducing Silica Dust Exposure
Silica dust poses a particular challenge in many work environments, potentially putting your worker’s health and safety at risk and exposing your organization to regulatory fines. With the right tools and technologies, you can work to create safe, healthy and productive environments, and work toward OSHA compliance.
OSHA’s new Silica Dust ruling will be affecting various industries over the next 4 months. The compliance deadline for General Industry and Maritime is June 23, 2018. Fines are steep, but the core of this issue is the health and safety of all employees exposed to respirable crystalline silica.
We asked 180 facility decision makers about reducing silica dust exposure to comply with a new regulation that OSHA estimates will save 600 lives each year. Click here to view a new industry study that discusses:
- What is silica dust
- Who is affected
- What matters most
- What are popular solutions
For more information on how Tennant Company is positioned to support your housekeeping protocols to move toward OSHA compliance, please visit our silica dust solutions page.