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Quick Tips for Long-Term Equipment Storage
Tennant Company is dedicated to providing information and insights to help customers safely store unused equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Equipment Care: Tips for Properly Storing Your Equipment
- Batteries are one of the most expensive replacement items in equipment. Follow your battery manufacturer’s instructions for storage, which include:
- Charge the batteries and recharge batteries at least once a month.
- Clean the batteries and connections before storing machine to prolong their life.
- Check water levels in batteries, fill with distilled water if necessary.
- Remove all lithium-ion batteries in small equipment, disconnect batteries from other pieces of equipment.
- Drain and clean the solution & recovery tanks, hoses and tools. Open the tank covers and drain hose caps to allow the air to circulate.
- Remove vacuum bags and clean filters.
- Empty debris hoppers in sweepers.
- Store the machine in a dry area with squeegee, scrub head or sweep head in the up position.
- Check tire pressure (pneumatic tires only).
- Place cardboard under tires to prevent plasticizers from leeching into the floor.
- To prevent potential machine damage, store equipment in a rodent- and insect-free environment.
Preventative Maintenance performed by Tennant Direct Service Representatives is a great way to make sure your equipment will be up and running efficiently after long term storage.
Tennant Company is committed to working with industry partners to keep our communities clean, safe, and healthy. We salute you for the essential work you are doing to maintain your facilities to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you for your help in protecting your community.
Please contact us with any questions.