"#630637を紹介 3Mパッド20"",赤" 17261
The 3M Red Buffing Pad is used to remove light soil, scuff marks, and black heel marks and enhance floor appearance. Parts are machine specific. Please check your machine model and serial number before ordering.
置換 1243339
17261 Fitment
T350 立乗型フロアスクラバー
T300 歩行型フロアスクラバー
T17 バッテリー式乗車型フロアスクラバー
T300e しし葉葉天天逸逸-自自にに」」牙牙めめ会会 倉倉天天かかかか継継 承承医医継継なな転転転転にに継継
M17 Battery-Powered Ride-On Sweeper-Scrubber